Men’s Club: July 2022

During June, the Men’s Club held two interesting and enjoyable meetings. More than 32 members showed up on June 7 before 0800h to enjoy the conviviality of their fellows. We dined on a breakfast of cheesy eggs and cut fruit courtesy of the Morris/Wollin Cooking Team. Then, shortly after 0800h, Club Pres. John Yocca called the meeting to order and led the group in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. flag.
John introduced a distinguished new member, Mori Batagva, principal and founder of ERM Academy, a group that helps young people find their way in the business world. Thanks for coming, Mori. Nice to have you with us.
Next up was Club VP John Gabbard, who served as our guest speaker for the day. John is a Marine (once a Marine always a Marine, Semper Fi) who served actively from 1988 to 2005, all over the world, in more than a few dicey situations. Since leaving active duty and settling in this area, John pursued a career in the home building industry and the real estate business. In addition to being VP of our own Club, John is Post Commander of VFW Post 5868 in Laguna Beach, and a member of the Dana Point Planning Commission.
John’s presentation centered on his many overseas adventures and duties. His duty stations, assignments and experiences were so varied and so many, I could not write fast enough to record all the details. I was touched by his story about taking his son to France. The teenager had expressed an interest in becoming a member of the U.S. military, presumably the USMC. John took his son to Omaha Beach and the present-day cemeteries near Nor- mandy, France, to let the young man see and consider the grave markers of all the young men who made the ultimate sacrifice in June, 1944. Quite a learning experience.
At the June 21 meeting, Men’s Club member Mike Roberts educated the rest of us on the topic of Proposition 19, narrowly approved by California voters in November 2020, but not yet widely understood. Some call Prop 19 a tax break for seniors, some call it a big bonus for California realtors. All call it California state law, and Mike helped us learn how it may affect you and your family.
Anticipation is building, and work assignments are being made, for our big Independence Day Pancake break- fast, sponsored and facilitated by the Men’s Club every year to benefit the club’s Scholarship Fund. Be sure to reserve your spot in advance online.
Did you know you do not have to be a resident of the Shores to be a member of the Men’s Club? If you are a mem- ber, I look forward to seeing you soon. If not yet a member, come join us for a complimentary breakfast at one of our twice monthly meetings. Breakfast is on us! You will be impressed with the quality of the people who comprise our membership, and the friendly, open character of our get together.
—Tim Moore
