Men’s Club: May 2022

On April 5 the Men’s Club assembled for a fine break- fast, followed by an interesting, fact filled and fun presentation from Keith Johannes, a fifty-year resident of Dana Point, and a member of the leadership at Dana Point Historical Society. His presentation focused on the history of Dana Point, and was punctuated with photos of historical buildings and (as of then) yet-to-be developed areas of our home town.

We learned all about the naming of the lantern streets and viewed photos of the old-time original lanterns and their modern-day replicas. You can tell when a presentation is well received by the volume of questions and comments from the audience—and Mr. Johannes’ presentation certainly passed that test.

At our next meeting on April 19, we heard from member C.W. Gruenig about the heroism of Roy Davenport, a five- time winner of the Navy Cross and one of only two sailors to achieve that honor five times.
Coming on May 3 Supervisor Lisa Bartlett will give us an update and Roy Dohner will brief us on Dana Point development. On May 17, we will hear from Jay Styles, GM of one of my personal favorite restaurants, Wind and Sea in the DP Harbor.

The Men’s Club will soon be awarding its Annual Scholarships to two deserving young scholars. We are also getting revved up for the big fundraising event for those scholarships, the annual 4th of July Pancake Breakfast— one of many events the men’s club sponsors during the year that help maintain and improve the quality of life for those of us fortunate enough to live here.

All our work depends on an energetic and inspired Men’s Club membership. If you are already a member, thank you, it is good to have you with us. If you are not yet a member, there is no time like the present. Come join us at one of our two monthly breakfast meetings. This will give you a chance to see how we operate, and to decide whether it is something you might enjoy being a part of. No obligation, no heavy sell, just a good breakfast and some interesting conversations.

Oh, did I mention, the breakfast is on us? We hope to see you May 3 and 17.

—Tim Moore
