Men’s Club: March 2022 News

The Men’s Club had two excellent meetings in February, getting the new year off to a great start. On February 1 our guest speaker was a native of the Republic of South Africa, Jennifer Timm, a compelling and knowledgeable speaker on the topic of South Africa. She also presented interesting thoughts about her own immigration to the United States years ago. Jennifer pointed out that the 60 million citizens of South Africa face many challenges including corruption, tribalism, and threats to the endangered species that make their home in that country. She was realistic about the hard work and good fortune necessary to deal with South Africa’s many challenges, but remains optimistic about the future of the Republic. 

At the second meeting of the year on February 15, our speaker was Sandra Cima, a fun and engaging presenter who is part of Honor Flight Network of San Diego. Ms. Cima’s enthusiasm about the good work of Honor Flight Network, and the benefit they provide to our nation’s veterans, came through clearly in her presentation—it might even be contagious! You can find out more about them at Did I mention that they fund two chartered flights annually for men and women veterans of WWII, Korea, and Vietnam to visit memorials across the country entirely with donated funds—zero tax dollars involved. Hear that Governor?

The Men’s Club meets twice this month, on Tuesday March 1 and Tuesday March 15.

On March 1, our speaker will be Larry Robinson, introducing The Fish Tank, a converted warehouse con- cept. Then, on March 15, it is Marshall Reddick on How To Make A Fortune in Crypto Currency. Don’t miss either one. Try to arrive a bit before 0800 to get your coffee and breakfast.

If you are already a member, don’t forget that annual dues of $25 are being collected now.

If you are not yet a member of the Men’s Club, we invite you be our guest at one of these meetings, includ- ing a complimentary breakfast.

The Men’s Club does a lot of good work during the course of the year, including raising money for, and awarding academic scholarships to deserving students. We want to update and upgrade our scholarship program in 2022. If you have some fresh ideas about scholarships, we would love to hear your thoughts.


—Tim Moore
