Emergency Preparedness: July 2020

Last month, we talked about our blessings, gratitude,
appreciation, and all the things we can be thankful for even in challenging times like dealing with COVID-19.
Don’t let stress distract from the day-to-day positivity we need to maintain and insure our health, emotional well- being, and family safety.
Please, DO NOT be lulled into a state of complacency and let your guard down on precautions that must still be maintained over the next weeks and months.
Even though things are opening up, the pandemic has not gone away! It is imperative to practice proven steps to prevent and keep the virus at bay. Social distancing, no hugs and kisses, no hand-
shakes, no touching eyes, nose or mouth, and wearing masks. Continue using san- itizing gels, washing hands thoroughly and often, using wipes and sprays to clean door handles, door bells, gas pump handles, steering wheels, grocery carts, mail and packaging deliveries, hand rails, etc.
If you venture out, make sure food serv- ers, clerks and others are

wearing masks or taking preventive precautions. Stay away from crowds and congestion. Consider ordering items online like food, clothing, meals from your favorite restaurants. Also, consider postponing that trip to Vegas, a cruise, airline travel, or evening at the movie theater.
Get used to live concerts and sporting events in crowded stadiums/venues not happening in the near future. Who wants to sit among a large crowd or use a public rest- room that has been exposed to thousands of fans or have your beer or hot dog passed down the row by a half-dozen other fans?
To stay well, RESOLVE to better control your diet, eat healthy foods, and strengthen your immune system. Make healthy choices. No excuses for not exercising. Get outside in the sun on your patio, back yard, walk or jog the neighborhood, get down to the beach, take a swim. Most of us have smart phones so check the many exercise APPS that can provide all the self-help you need to get your heart rate up and break a sweat. Personally, I would give a second thought before jumping back into the gym at this point.
This isn’t a time to revert to some previously “nor- mal” but now questionable habits. Remember, RESOLVE to stay the course. Be disciplined, vigilant, and insure the health and safety of yourself, family and community.
As you read this, the July 4th weekend approaches—
INDEPENDENCE DAY. Reflect on all that means, and be
thankful, and SAFE.

—Kent Wellbrock
