Emergency Preparedness: February 2019 Update

Being prepared has many check points, but one box
I consider a must to check is coming up on February 14!
And—YES—you still have a few days left to make that dinner
reservation, buy a card, a box of candy, order flowers,
or if you really want to get a big hug, visit the jewelry store.
Some other boxes to check as 2019 moves into its second
■ Great time to replace smoke alarm batteries OR replace the alarms with newer, updated models.
■ Put a reminder on your calendar to check and clean dryer filters and vents monthly. Not only does the dryer work more efficiently but it prevents fires.
■ Have you had your furnace and water heater serviced lately? Do it!
■ Do you have a whole-house water valve shutoff? If a pipe breaks, the valve is the quickest way to shut off water immediately and minimize damage and clean-up. Easy to turn it off when you go on vacation, too.
■ Surprised by that unexpected (but welcome) wind and rain last month? Good time to have the roof inspected and necessary repairs done. Check gutters, too.
■ When was the last time you updated your home insurance for fire coverage? I read some sorry stories about lapsed or negligible coverage following the horrific fires last November.
■ Got a cellphone? Easy to video each room, closets, drawers, etc. and keep photos in the cloud to access for insurance if you experience a loss.
■ Ever consider the options for alarm systems for your home? The new technologies are pretty sophisticated and easy to use. Many can be operated and monitored using your cell phone. For example, you can be sure your garage door is closed, even when you’re in Peoria.
The devices can video tape people on your front porch hot footing it away with that Amazon delivery. Motion sensors on doors and windows can send alerts. You can turn lights on or off from wherever you are. The list goes on.
■ How about that battery back-up garage door opener in case of a power outage?
■ And last, believe it or not, a recent joint study conducted by the Department of Health and the Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that 23% of traffic accidents are alcohol-related. That’s serious news, but it also means that the remaining 77% might be caused by people who just drink bottled water, Starbucks, soda, and energy drinks. Therefore, beware of those who do NOT drink alcohol. They cause three times as many accidents. Just sayin’ . . .
—Kent Wellbrock
