Emergency Preparedness Committee: December 2018 News

Have you been naughty . . . or vigilant? Before we can get into Christmas Cheer, a few VERY important reminders for holiday safety tips.
■ If you’re traveling, DON’T post your travel plans online. Not where you’re going, when you’re leaving, or when you will be back. AND, don’t hide a key outside the house. NO, not even in the Shores.
■ Deadliest month of the year for electrical fires? December. DON’T overload outlets and extension cords. Inspect string lights for inside and outside your house. NO frayed cords or cracked bulbs, and no more than three strings together.
■ Have that annual check-up for your furnace. And, by the way, when was the last time you had the chimney cleaned?
■ DON’T leave candles unattended (EVER!). Better yet, use battery operated candles. DON’T put stockings near the fireplace/chimney.
■ UNPLUG your Christmas tree lights when you hit the sack.
■ Make sure to install or check smoke alarms.
■ ALSO, a new rule: If your fire/smoke alarms are over ten years old, throw them away and install new ones. The sensors are only good for ten years.
■ Grease fires: Don’t use water to extinguish a grease fire. Douse the fire with baking soda. You do have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen (and garage) + (and cars), don’t you?
■ Keep your fresh tree watered DAILY.
■ DON’T burn wrapping paper or trees in the fireplace.
■ NEVER let male DNA get the best of you . . . that means never step on that last top rung of your ladder! Lots of DONT’S but remember the DO’S: Enjoy the season for its Joys, Family, Friends, and Giving Thanks. Last but not least, find it in your heart to share your blessings with those less fortunate.
—Kent Wellbrock
