Emergency Preparedness Committee: How prepared are you?

How informed, knowledgeable and PREPARED are you when it comes to handling potential emergency situations?
Well, let’s find out. Take the following quiz and see how you do:
1. What three segments are taught in our neighborhood bi-annual certification class on Emergency Preparedness?
2. What is the name of the action to take if you encounter a person choking with food or an object caught in their throat?
3. The Internet is a great time and money saver for shopping in the relaxed atmosphere of your home, or even at Starbucks. True?
4. What is the single most important risk factor for a stroke?
5. What are the warning signs of a stroke?
6. What about the signs of a heart attack?
7. Almost forgot! It’s income tax time. If the IRS calls threatening you with past due taxes and asking for your Social Security, birth date, and payment, make sure you waste no time doing so on the phone. Right?
8. Your bank calls indicating a problem with your account(s) and asking you to verify information. You should clear this up immediately over the phone. True?
9. AND, how about the message from Microsoft telling me to let them access my computer online to fix some bugs. Good idea, right?
These should be easy questions to answer quickly and get a 100% score. See next page to review the correct responses.
Also check out the flier in this Seashore News for KEY EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS items you should have on hand in your home or auto.
—Kent Wellbrock


Here are the correct responses to the Emergency Preparedness Quiz:
1. CPR, AED, and First Aid. (You should sign-up for our next certification class. It could save someone’s life.)
2. The Heimlich Maneuver (Do you know how to perform this life saving step? Why not Google it to find out and sign-up for our class, too.)
3. Well, maybe. Unless you are accessing a known secure website, thieves can stalk you in email spam. They tout bargain buys and if you bite on their fake offers by providing your credit card info you can be out some big bucks. And don’t forget that the Starbuck’s Wi-Fi is a public unsecured service.
4. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE (Action steps to reduce this potential life threatening event: Stop smoking, get exercise, lose weight, practice good eating habits.)
5. Stroke warnings are slurred speech, sagging facial features, difficulty swallowing, paralysis of one side of the body and more. (Worth a Google.)
6. MEN: Chest tightness or discomfort, heartburn, indigestion, dizziness, clammy skin, cold sweat. WOMEN: Heavy perspiration, disrupted sleep, exhaustion, stomach cramps, sharp upper body pain, jaw pain.
7. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER give out this information or money. The IRS doesn’t call you, they use the U.S. Mail. HANG UP!
8. NO, NO, NO. Do not give your information over the phone. Call your bank and ask them to verify their inquiry.
9. Another NO-NO. These scammers will mine all of your records and personal info from your computer.
