Communication Committee: April 2023

Going for 100—Thanks to the Men’s Club for inviting our Communication Committee to a delicious break- fast last month where we celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Seashore
News. With our community’s continued interest and support, Seashore News looks forward to 50 more years of publication here in Niguel Shores!

Congratulations to Seashore News for 50 Years of publication in Niguel Shores

Your Input Matters—The Communication Commit- tee makes it our job to feature our wonderful residents and all that happens in our community. We cover Shores events, give reports from committees and clubs, provide information from the Board, feature dining and travel ideas, offer well- ness tips, give advice for your pets —and we love to spotlight our residents. But our publication works best when YOU, our Niguel Shores residents, share your stories and photos with us. YOUR INPUT is what makes our pages interesting.
So let us know about your projects, events, and activities—the who, what, when, where, why. We will do the writing for you. Share news of your family, honor your grad- uates, lend us an interview, give accolades to someone doing good, send a photo of happenings around the Shores or other places you go. YOU are the focus of our publication.
Contact Us—If you have news for us or would like someone on our committee to contact you, send an email to or drop off a note in the office. If you enjoy what the Seashore News is doing every month, then be a part of it. Share your news here in the community where you live, among your friends and neighbors.

—Sandy Homicz
