Page Turners: December 2021

This month Page Turners will gather for our Bi-Annual Joint Meeting at 1:00 p.m. on December 20. Page Turners consists of three groups of approximately 10 members each. We all read the same books, which are selected by all the members voting their favorites. Our “book year” runs from September to June and we select nine books for discussion. We do not assign a book for December because this meeting is a social get-together where we discuss other books that we may be suggesting for next year. We also have a very fun Blind Book Exchange and enjoy seasonal goodies supplied by the members.
Many people say that they are in a book club because they get to read books that they normally would not read. With over 30 members making book suggestions that we vote on, you can imagine we get quite a varied selection. So far this year we have read novels by English, Irish and American authors, and in January we will be reading No Name, the Wilkie Collins classic first published in 1862. Collins was a contemporary of Charles Dickens, and they collaborated on a number of fiction works.
Each of the Page Turners groups have room for additional members, so if you are thinking of joining a book club you would be most welcome to visit any of our meetings. The Monday afternoon group meets in member homes and the host usually serves a light refreshment. The two Thursday afternoon groups usually meet at the Niguel Shores Clubhouse. For information on the Thursday groups please contact Steve and Ann Morris at and for the Monday group contact me, Frances at

—Frances Ozimec
