Maintenance Committee: July 2021

With a full slate of events back on the calendar, the Maintenance Team has been busy prepping and preparing for a fun summer.

Bluff Improvements—At the Beach Bluff, several new, sturdy, covered trash cans have been installed. Some of the teak chairs are being replaced and more are planned for the future. The plastic benches near the handicapped ramps are in the process of replacement with teak as well. The great thing about wood is not only is it more beautiful but it can be repaired and refinished when needed.

If you have been at the Bluff lately, you have seen the annual refinishing of the redwood picnic tables. While we rely heavily on George Cooley and the Maintenance Team, this job is a labor of love performed by our fearless leader
Len Beebe and committee member Bob Schreiber. Yours truly was even enlisted for a little sanding. This multi-day project brings the tables back to their beautiful. almost new appearance. Hopefully, we will all appreciate this fine work and take a little bit better care when we are enjoying this wonderful space.
Street Overlay—The Board has approved the next street overlay project, which should occur in the next couple of months. The five-day project will involve Atlantic Avenue, Colima Bay, Timor Bay and Bluehill Bay. Plenty of notice and planning will be involved to minimize traffic disruption.
Pool Chair Lift—We have purchased a new Pool Handicap Chair Lift as the existing chair had reached the end of its “extended” life (Read: We got everything we could out of the old one).

Tennis Posts—Net posts on Tennis Court 2 had to be removed and we are attempting to get them replaced ASAP.

New Committee Member—Our Committee welcomes Art Staudenbaur as its newest member. Not only is Art a long- time resident but he has a long history of volunteering in the community, most recently as a member of the Board. Thanks, Art, for your continued hard work. We are lucky to have you.

Items of Concern—A group was recently seen play- ing Pickleball in flip-flops or without shoes at all. Not only is this very dangerous but we have a rule that proper court shoes are required. So remember, “No Shoes—No Serve.”
There is ongoing vandalism to the backside of the tennis court fencing next to the handball/basketball courts. Accord- ing to a witness, the court fences are being used as a Lacrosse backstop which is causing serious damage to the fence and screen. If you have a budding Lacrosse star at home, please direct them to please stop, as eventually this will require rein- forcing/replacing the fencing at great cost to the Association, which means ultimately you and me. I think we would all agree we would rather spend funds on maintaining or cre- ating new and improved amenities for our EXTREMELY WELL-MAINTAINED COMMUNITY.

Have a Happy 4th of July!

—Geoff Dunlevie
