Page Turners: October 2020

By the time this is published all three groups of Page Turners will have had their first meeting of the new “book club year” in various locations that are different than usual because of these times of social distancing.
October finds us reading a brand new novel by Irish author Anne Griffin—When All Is Said—“The tale of a single night. The story of a lifetime.” This is Griffin’s debut novel and it won the John McGahern Award. (For those who follow Irish literature, that
is a very familiar name.) The main charac-
ter, Maurice Hannigan, is finally ready to
tell his story, and I think the following best describes
the book: “Over the course of . . . [an] evening, he will raise five toasts to the five people who have meant the most to him. Through these stories—of unspoken joy and regret, a secret tragedy kept hidden, a fierce love that never found its voice—the life of one man will be powerfully and poi- gnantly laid bare.” One of the questions we will most likely discuss is, “If you had five people to sum up your life, who would they be, and what would you say about them?”
Page Turners meets on the fourth Monday and fourth Thursday of the month. For information on the Thursday groups please contact Steve and Ann Morris at samwrsi@ and for the Monday group contact me, Frances at

—Frances Ozimec
