Women’s Club: June 2020 Update

Just imagine being a kid again anxiously waiting for summer vacation. That is what I feel with our gradual liberation from the quarantine! Our lives and habits have certainly changed throughout the past couple of months, probably better for our health and safety. However, as California lifts our quarantine restrictions, the “unknown” makes it very difficult to plan the traditional events we have all enjoyed in the past. We missed being together for our April and May luncheons, but I am going to be positive and make tentative plans for our June events.
Please note that you all have the independent liberty to decide if you are ready to join in social gatherings!
As I write this article, the Clubhouse multi-purpose room restrictions have not been lifted, but there is a possibility we could gather at the Bluff bringing our own lunches and maintaining a social distance. Most important we would have time to be together! Watch for an email invitation on June 4 with more information for members about the possibility of such an event.
Outside activities will definitely resume this month. On June 18, we will meet in front of the Clubhouse at 9:30 a.m. and walk together via the Ritz Carlton beach route.
We need committee volunteers in order to continue the wonderful events we plan every year. Below I have a list of Committee Signups for the 2020-2021 NSWC year. Please choose whatever committees suit you and email Terry Link at tjlink630@gmail.com. It would be delightful to have every member of our club involved on a committee! I encourage you to sign up for something where your time and talents would be put to good use.

Committee Signups:
■ Hospitality (choose one): Help us set up for luncheons;
purchase supplies; wash tablecloths; wash silverware.
■ Welcome: Greet and seat members as they arrive.
■ Outside Activities: Help us plan outings.
■ 4th of July Party (choose one): Help us plan the event;
serve; clean up.
■ Holiday Party (choose one): Help us plan the event;
decorate; serve; clean up.
■ Home Tour: Help us plan and carry out the event.
■ Fashion Show: Help us plan and carry out the event.

Thank you to all our members for supporting the Wom- en’s Club, a Niguel Shores tradition of fun, friendship, and service for nearly fifty years!
—Terry Link
