Women’s Club Luncheon: February 13, 2020 at 12:00

Members and guests met for our winter wonderland
luncheon in January to start off the ROARING 20’s New Year! We noted the purpose of our club—Fun, Friendship, and Service—and announced the special events coming up this year: Valentine’s Day Luncheon, March Fashion Show, Spring Home Tour, Mother’s Day Luncheon, June Tea, and July 4th Hot Dog Event. Welcome to our new members Roxanne DiMaggio, Alice DiIorio, Margie Eckes, Dee Gruenig, and Randa Memo. We look forward to getting to know you!
After a deli- cious array of sal- ads prepared by our members, our first featured speaker, the therapeutic process and the pro- gram truly recog- nizes the special sacrifices made by our men and women in uniform—and also the hardships on their families.” The Women’s Club will soon be collect- ing food items to help fill the Fisher House pantry. At our next luncheon on February Members enjoy lunch and a tour of the Sandra Andrews Women’s Club 2020 new members at the 13, we will continue Capistrano Mission from Dana Point’s January luncheon our tradition of sharing Valentine’s Day greetings with our Age Well Services and Meals on Wheels, spoke about the tablemates. Members, would you please bring 8 to 10 sweet Senior Services they offer. Age Well’s goal is to make sure no senior in need goes hungry by providing vital nutrition programs. They serve daily nutritious lunches at the Senior Center in Dana Point where many dine with new found friends. Their Meals on Wheels program delivers three nutritious meals a day to seniors who are living at home with little or no assistance to obtain adequate meals. San- dra shared opportunities to become involved with Meals on Wheels as drivers or participants in the program valentines for this special event? We will also have a box to collect extra valentines to bring to one of the local Alzheimer units in town. Our luncheon speakers will be Sandy Homicz, presenting a history of the Seashore News, and Lisa Buch- ner, sharing information on Friends of the DP Library. Our Outside Activity for February is a trip to the Safari Animal Park in Escondido where seniors over 65 have free admission during the month of February. (See details in the Outside Activities announcement on this page.) Our second speaker, Mike Lipscombe, joined us from We invite all interested ladies of Niguel Shores to join the Fisher House at Camp Pendleton—a unique private/ public partnership supporting America’s military and its fami- lies receiving medical treatment at a military hospital. Fisher House offers a “home away from home” to stay at no cost. Mike said, “The relationships with family members are part of us for one of our monthly luncheons, which are always fun and informative. Please contact Jennifer Paige at jopaige@ aol.com or Judi Palladino at twopalls@yahoo.com for more information on membership in Niguel Shores Women’s Club.

—Terry Link
