Emergency Preparedness Committee: Happy Autumn

Since the kids are back to school and you haven’t started your Turkey Day
planning yet, here’s your simple October “To Do” list.
■ You’ve already completed your Earthquake Preparedness supplies, so that’s off the list. RIGHT? Check.
■ How about changing the batteries in your Smoke Alarms or buying new ones if yours are over ten years old? Check.
■ You might also get a Radon Gas test kit and/or alarm. Check.
■ Certainly you have First Aid kits in each of your personal vehicles? Check.
■ It’s time to make sure your gutters are clear of old and dry debris. Also, you’ve removed old brush, wood and flammable “stuff” near the exterior of your house. Right? Check.
■ Inspect the furnace before needing it for the first chill (it’s coming). And, use space heaters VERY carefully. Check.
■ Make sure your water heater is clear of obstacles blocking it. Check.
■ Clean out your chimney for proper ventilation. Check. Don’t stop here. Make your own list and be prepared!

—Kent Wellbrock
