Emergency Preparedness: Prepared

“The sky is falling!” Well, not quite, BUT the Earth is certainly shaking.
STOP and just take a few minutes to read the following
and check your household to insure you are PREPARED for
an earthquake:
■Have a verbal plan and discussion with ALL your family
on steps to take if (when) an earthquake occurs. Start with
an evacuation plan and where to meet if you have to leave
your house.
■Keep telephone numbers written down in your purse or
wallet and include cell phones of an out-of-state relative or
contact if local service is not available so they know your
status and can relay that to other family members. Text
messages might go through if voice does not.
■First things first! Practice your DROP, COVER & HOLD
techniques. This applies to your home, movie theater,
restaurant, etc. Teach family members how to use a fire
extinguisher and where they are kept. Know where your
utility sources are (gas valve, water shut off, and electric
breaker panels). Be prepared to shut them off if you smell
gas or smoke, if a fire is evident, or if water pipes break.
Once off, DO NOT turn the gas valve back on yourself.
That’s a job for a professional.
■If a quake is serious enough with fires, power lines down,
or impassible roads, don’t expect assistance from fire,
police, medical, or utility units for possibly days (YES, I
said days).They will be responding to schools, hospitals,
nursing homes, and other areas of serious need.
■This is the critical reason YOU need to be the first point of
contact. Be knowledgeable and BE PREPARED.
■This is also another reason to know your neighbors and reach
out to them for help OR to give help if they need assistance.
■For special family situations, such as baby and child needs,
do you have ready supplies of formulas, medications, diapers,
clothing, shoes? For members with disabilities, make
special consideration for their issues with equipment, supplies,
meds, etc.
■For medical needs, ask your doctor about storing at least
a week’s supply of prescription medications such as heart
and high blood pressure meds, insulin, durable medical
equipment. Can you even imagine the inability to contact
CVS, Walgreen’s or Rite Aid to order needed supplies?

■Also, keep an extra stash of cash available. If electricity is down, there will be no service at ATMs, gas pumps, cash registers, etc.
■Consider what to do if you can’t even exit the Shores with your car because of impassable streets, inoperable garage doors, electronic exit gates. Keep at least a half tank of gas in your car at all times.
■Plan for your pet’s needs, too. Food, water, meds, ID’s and collar in case they panic and run away.
We have barely dented the list of Emergency Preparedness item you should have in your home and cars to be ready for earthquake, fires, or brownout occurances.
DON’T ignore Chicken Little and say it can’t happen in the Shores. REMEMBER, once a disaster happens, it’s too late if you’re not prepared.

—Kent Wellbrock
