Really Serious Book Club: Political Tribes- Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations, by Amy Chua

The Really Serious Book Club met at the home of Mike Harrod and discussed Political Tribes—Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations, by Amy Chua. The author examines our continued failure to recognize the sub-cultural differences and subtleties of the nations and areas we have invaded in the past, such as Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iran and Syria that have cost us in American blood and treasure. Not recognizing the primacy of the Vietnamese over the Chinese in Vietnam was especially costly. The multiplicity of jurisdictions and agencies in the areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan and varied goals of politicians make reaching solutions for peace impossible, as illustrated by our long-term occupancy in the areas.
The next book we will discuss is Behemoth—a History of the Factory and the Making of the Modern World. If you would like to join us, call Norton Schwartz at (949) 481-2459 or e-mail at You will be supplied with an Oreo cookie if you come.
—Norton Schwartz
