Women’s Club – Installation Tea

New officers installed at the June Tea are: President Karla Sanders, Co-vice presidents Mary Crowl and Barbara Milner, Secretary Linda Ritch and Treasurer Christy Martinek. The tea was quite a wonderful affair with over 60 well-dressed and some well-hatted ladies in attendance, glittering silver and crystal table decorations, tea sandwiches, fruit and desserts—a great way to end our year. There will be, on July 11, a joint meeting/luncheon of the outgoing and incoming officers and committee heads to transfer procedure books to the new group. This traditional transition is hosted by the old and new presidents who, in this case, are Nancy Tinnes and Karla Sanders. Both have been serving as interim co-presidents and their service is much appreciated by all of our members.

Please remember to send in your $10 annual dues if you have not already done so. The member directory will be prepared over the summer and you should have your dues and information in soon if you are renewing or joining. Send your check to the office today! We certainly have had an eventful and interesting year so you won’t want to miss out on the upcoming one.

Our next luncheon date is Thursday, September 12—put it on your calendar and, in the meantime, have a happy, sunny summer.

—Mary Crowl
