Traffic & Safety Committee: Scooters, Skateboards, & Drones

New Member:
Currently we have a vacancy on the Traffic and Safety Committee and we are looking for a concerned and well meaning resident to fill it. If you, or you know of someone that may be interested in becoming involved, providing insight and advice pertaining to safety issues in our community, you might be just the person we need. If interested, contact the office and fill out an application.
New Rules:
As of the first of the year we have a new set of rules and regulations governing our community. Actually not a lot has really changed except that a lot of superfluous material has been eliminated, and the format has been simplified.
For those folks with scooters, skateboards and drones the rules readily address any questions you may have. It shouldn’t take more than a minute to read and have grasp of them (Pages 26 and 27).
Watch Out:
Several concerns were noted about nighttime skateboarders. Two were about children skating in the roadway on relatively quiet residential neighborhoods in the early evening (darkness had set in). In both cases a concerned adult notified the parents of the skaters and the problem immediately stopped.
The other incident(s) occurred later in the evening and involved older teens/young adults dressed in dark clothing skating up and down Niguel Shores road at a relatively fast rate of speed. As skateboards don’t have brakes, these skaters go too fast to stop for stop signs controlling traffic at Periwinkle Dr. and Mariner Dr.
Hopefully, we can identify these reckless skaters and have someone counsel them and their families. In the meantime be aware, and continue to drive with caution.
—God Bless……..Tim Murphy
