Oreo Book Club: The Fix – How Nations Thrive and Survive in the World in Decline by Jonathan Tepperman

We met at the home of Mary Crowl on Wednesday, January 18 to discuss the book The Fix—How Nations Thrive and Survive in a World in Decline by Jonathan Tepperman, managing editor of Foreign Affairs magazine.
He discusses some of the world’s problems, such as immigration, corruption, civil war, and Islamic extremism and tells the story of different countries that have been successful in coping with these problems by finding innovation and creative solutions. He suggests we, as a country and as a group, use this approach. The group discussion centered on the value of his optimism and unique approaches, although not perfect, valuable.
Our next meeting on February 15 will be at the home of Norton Schwartz and the book Isis by Jessica Stern and J.M. Berger will be discussed. If you would like to attend our book review group, contact Norton Schwartz at nortlynne@cox.net.
—Norton Schwartz
