Potluck: March 15, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse

Niguel Shores ClubHouse
Social 6:00 pm • Dinner 6:30 pm

Come join your neighbors and celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Bring a main dish, salad or dessert to share. You also need to bring your choice of beverage, table service and $1 to cover incidental expenses.
If you have attended Potluck before you will receive an email invitation. Please respond whether you are coming or not.
If you have never been to Potluck before, please come and join your friendly neighbors. We always welcome new faces. Call Ann Christiansen at 248-1962 or Irene McDonald at 481-3035. We will be happy to take your reservation and answer any questions you may have.

—Irene McDonald
