Oreo Book Club – Strategic Vision by Ziggy Brzezinski

October’s meeting of the Oreo Book Club was held at the home of Chafer and Phyllis Tezer on October 15.  The group discussed the book Strategic Vision, written by Ziggy Brzezinski.  The author’s view is that America has lost its’ trajectory as a leader in the world and, if it wants to recover that role, must first make internal changes to make us a more cohesive people, politically and financially.  It was questioned as to why we need to play that “leadership” role at all.  It was noted the foreign policy of the current administration tries to make foreign entanglements a United Nations affair or at least to engage nearby governments in any effort – be it Ebola or military adventures.  The actions of Russia, China and Turkey were considered and evaluated within this context.  The next meeting will be November 19 at the winning home of Lakshman Sehgal, where David Goldberg will lead us in a discussion of Lawrence in Arabia, by Scott Anderson.

– Norton Schwartz
