Garden Club – Bonsai

The February meeting of the Garden Club was held on the 17th.Our thanks to JoAnn Webb and Chris Daley for the wonderful luncheon spread and to all the volunteers who helped out. Our thanks also to Gunjan for bringing a great speaker, Mr Ragle, Director of Forensic Sciences, Orange County Sheriff-Coroner. But Mr Ragle talked about his passion for Bonsai that covers five decades. He started his first three Bonsai in 1962! He shares this passion with his wife Nina who is editor of an award winning newsletter.

Bonsai first appeared in China a thousand years ago and was known as “ Punsai” where the practice started with growing a single specimen tree in pots. Japan adopted this practice during the Kamakura period  (1185-1333) by means of Zen Buddhism, which at that time was rapidly spreading thru Asia. The growth of Bonsai was confined to Buddhist monks. Today Bonsai is regarded as the symbol of Japanese culture and ideals.

Our March meeting will be all about hummingbirds—Magic in the Air. Do not miss it.

Jerry Koppang and the Garden Club Committee have an exciting field trip to Huntington Gardens planned for April. Mark the date, April 16. The bus will depart from in front of the ClubHouse at 10:30 a.m. The cost of the bus and admission is $40. We will begin our return trip from the gardens at 4:00 p.m. You will also get a reminder next month.

  And finally:

Knowledge is knowing that tomato is a fruit, Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad!                                                                                

– Lakshman Sehgal
