Women’s Golf – June Update

No ‘shock and awe,’ frozen fingers or gale strength winds for the Niguel Shores Women Golfers in May, instead—“A perfect California morning, warm, sunny, with just a light breeze awaited the players.” That is a quote from the minutes which are so ably kept by Secretary Brenda Tuckley.

No, you may not grab her for your group. She is a keeper and our group thanks her for her multiple terms as our secretary. The Game of the Day was a Golf Scramble and the team with the best score consisted of Judy Boitano, Marge Foster, Terri Matrisch and Brenda Tuckley (yes, she is a fine golfer as well as a superb secretary). Other winners that day were Barbara Brabeck, longest drive, and Brenda Tuckley, closest to the flagstick.

The Sunshine Secretary has been busy sending cards to the ‘wounded’ among the group—thank you Linda Ross. Social Secretaries, Joan Beyer and Ruthie Stahl have chosen the venue, Gemmell’s , picked a multiple-choice menu, and will most likely surprise us with table favors, for our annual Memorial Tournament luncheon, which will take place on Monday July 8, following the golf tournament in the morning.

Friends, former members, prospective members are invited to come and congratulate the 2013 Club Champion. Checks for $26 per person, should be in the capable hands of our Treasurer Gretchen Rask (a ‘shout out’ to our financial wizard for her many years keeping the books) at the June Fun Day, on Monday June, 10. If you will not be at the June Fun Day, please contact Joan Beyer (496-1428). The Golf Captains for June are Val Mitchell (582-8311) and Irene McDonald (481-3035). Please contact them about joining the foursomes for the day.

Lee Sweeney is doing double duty, filling in for President Marlene Lynch who is coping with grief at the loss of her husband (Lee is the one you can count on, always, the one at your back, no matter what). The Niguel Shores Women’s Golf Club, in its nearly 30 years of existence, has been able to consistently boast about people we play golf with. If you are interested in golf, we are interested in you. Contact any member or tell the office and we will contact you. …community. That’s one of the great feelings— to stop being me for a little while and to become us —Brian Eno

— Ceacy Johns
