Community Street Project – Phase 5 Scheduled for 3/15 and 3/18

Community Street Work – Phase 5 scheduled

Phase 5 of the street work that was postponed in January has been scheduled to take place on Friday, March 15 and Monday, March 18.


This portion of the street work includes:


  • Garibaldi Gate entrance/exit to near the entrance to Vista Grande (Impacts access to Gourami Bay)
  • Niguel Shores Dr. from ½ Atlantic Dr/Ave entrances to the PCH Bridge


During the street work Gourami Bay homeowners will need to park their cars outside of Gourami Bay and outside of the construction zone along Garibaldi Ave.


Residents, Guests & Service providers needing to access the ocean side of the PCH Bridge must enter/exit thru the Cabrillo gate. The gate will be open during this time to allow your guests and services to enter at this location.


During this phase of the project affected streets will be closed as necessary to complete this work.


Please notify any contractors or service personnel that they will not have access to the affected areas during the street closures. Cure time could potentially be longer and will be determined by the Street Engineer and Paving Contractor.


If cones are in place after the work is done that indicates the area is not ready to be driven on. Do not remove cones.


No parking citations will be issued during this time on affected and surrounding streets.


Thank you for your patience and anticipated cooperation. If you have any questions please contact the NSCA Office.