Page Turners Book Club – The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

September finds the members of Page Turners Book Club returning to their monthly discussion meetings, although perhaps in different locations than usual. As of this writing, it seems we will be meeting outdoors (locations TBD), or some may elect to meet via Zoom. In any event all three groups will be discussing The Dutch House by Ann Patchett. This novel will surely bring to mind the houses where we grew up and the family members who shared that experience.
As described by Lit Lovers, “The Dutch House is the story of a paradise lost, a tour de force that digs deeply into questions of inheritance, love and forgiveness, of how we want to see ourselves and of who we really are.”
This is a very popular book and to obtain a copy from the public library has been a challenge. One member told me she listened to the book on her iPhone via the LIBBY app. This app lets you check out the e-book from your local library and have it sent to your phone, tablet, or computer. Most people are aware of the curbside pick-up available at the library, and while there yesterday getting a book I find they have a new service called Advanced Search. This lets you pick up a book the same day you search (providing it is available) from the library of your choice.
I know all our book club members are looking forward to resuming our regular schedule and hearing about all the books that have been read over the summer. Page Turners meets on the fourth Monday and fourth Thursday of the month. For information on the Thursday groups please con- tact Steve and Ann Morris at and for the Monday group Frances at
—Frances Ozimec
