Guest Lists & Parking, Skateboards, and Dogs off Leash

I notice that the spikes from the many agapanthuses that are planted throughout our community are bursting with white and blue blooms. This is a sure sign that summer will soon be here, and the school year will be drawing to an end. With that, many families in our community will host graduation parties or simply welcome guests who wish to enjoy all the amenities our area has to offer. Along this line, please remember to update your guest list as every single guest, in every car, must be registered at the gate. Also, please remind your guests that if they drive their vehicles down to the bluff area, to park in the designated “Guest” parking area. Guests who park in areas designated for residents will have their cars impounded. There have been some folks abusing our hospitality and firmer measures are necessary.

Now that the weather is heating up, there is more and more outdoor activity. I am sure most of you have seen plenty of skate boarders scooting up and down our streets probably never see this stunt done here in the Shores as it requires a great deal of expertise. The only person around here that could probably do this is the top dog of all skaters, Pat O’Brien. He and his buddies, Tony Hawk and Kareem Campbell, could do it, but they won’t. The reason is simple; it is against our rules to ride a skateboard on our streets and common areas. Skaters would be best off perfecting their moves in a designated skating area.

Skateboarding can result in injuries, but the potential of injury is often minimized with protective gear. However, in every instance it is a major safety risk and judgmental error to be towed on a skateboard behind a car, truck or golf cart. Believe it or not this has been occurring on Niguel Shores Road. If you see this activity please let our staff know so that we can identify those involved, and some sort of intervention can be taken for the well-being of these poor souls.

More and more folks are complaining about dog waste on sidewalks and grassy areas. Please pick up after your pet as it is the healthy and right thing to do. We have also received complaints about dogs running loose and subsequently attacking other dogs. Our city codes and community rules require that all dogs, when outside, be on a leash. Your spirit of cooperation with this will be appreciated by all. God Bless.

—Tim Murphy