Women’s Club – September 2011

The Women’s Club is inviting all women in Niguel Shores to kick off the new season on September 8 to celebrate a new year and to enjoy a special program about our local Ocean Institute Seaside Learning Center. The new Center will replace the old dock with an exciting new 300 foot science dock and a 100 foot historic pier—a teaching platform that will increase the annual visitor capacity above the 115,000 that the Ocean Institute experiences today.

The lunch meeting will be in the ClubHouse at noon on September 8. Lunch will be served at noon. You need bring only $2. Be our guests!

New luncheon arrangements: If you are a member, you will be called or receive an e-mail for an RSVP by which you must reserve. Replies will be confirmed by return e-mail and for each month, half those attending will be asked to bring a salad to serve 10-12 people. Under this new arrangement, desserts and breads will be handled separately.

Guests or interested Niguel Shores residents may e-mail Ginny at vnevitt@cox.net or Jeannie at beaglesjs@ aol.com for your questions or news of the Women’s Club. Do come to meet your neighbors and learn about this excellent program at the Ocean Institute.

—Mary Crowl


If you have any photos or information for this page, please email them to me at msr1@niguelshores.org and I will post it up here! Thanks so much for contributing!
