Finance Committee

Finance Committee   The primary responsibility of the Finance Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in the preparation of the Annual Operating Budget by reviewing budget requests from management and community committees and making recommendations to the Board for expenditures and contributions to the reserve fund. It is also the … [Read more...]

Interested in the financial health of Niguel Shores? Have the time and desire to get involved?

The Finance Committee is looking for at least one new member that has the flexibility and talent to participate in the Finance Committee and Investment Committee. These Committees meet once a month, usually the fourth Monday of the month and late in the afternoon.  The ideal person for these Committees would have current or recent P&L … [Read more...]

2011 Fiscal Financials

At the February 1 Board meeting our CFO and Controller presented the 2011 yearend financial results. They show an operating surplus of $286,000 at 12-31-2011. This surplus results from several windfall events, such as heavy winter rainfall, and decisions by the Board to not spend money in certain budget categories that were originally funded when … [Read more...]

Finance – December 22, 2011

The Finance Committee has a new chair - Jeannie Sticher - and two new committee members, Jim Eckstaedt and Steve Barrett.  All are looking forward to an exciting and active new year.  We ended the year with a surplus that will be added to our Reserves.  The committee appreciates the tremendous effort put forth by staff and committees to keep … [Read more...]

Quarterly Assessment

Just a reminder the quarterly assesment has gone up to $830 a quarter for 2012.  If you use automatic bIll pay dont forget to notify your bank of this change.  Happy Holidays! -NSCA Controller … [Read more...]

2012 Budget and Assessment

The Board of Directors, at its meeting on November 9, 2011, adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2012 in the total amount of $3,350,100.00. This results in an annual regular assessment rate of $3,320.00 per lot beginning on January 1 2012. The 2012 assessment represents an increase of $60.00 per quarter or $20.00 per month. A summary of the 2012 … [Read more...]