Finance Committee Update

The Finance Committee is reaching out to the major committees with significant budgets to get a fiscal picture during the year versus a fiscal picture only at the end of the year during budget process.  Recently the Landscape Chairperson and a member from the Landscape staff briefed the Finance committee on the status of their budget and items that … [Read more...]

Finance – December 22, 2011

The Finance Committee has a new chair - Jeannie Sticher - and two new committee members, Jim Eckstaedt and Steve Barrett.  All are looking forward to an exciting and active new year.  We ended the year with a surplus that will be added to our Reserves.  The committee appreciates the tremendous effort put forth by staff and committees to keep … [Read more...]

Quarterly Assessment

Just a reminder the quarterly assesment has gone up to $830 a quarter for 2012.  If you use automatic bIll pay dont forget to notify your bank of this change.  Happy Holidays! -NSCA Controller … [Read more...]

2012 Budget and Assessment

The Board of Directors, at its meeting on November 9, 2011, adopted a budget for the fiscal year 2012 in the total amount of $3,350,100.00. This results in an annual regular assessment rate of $3,320.00 per lot beginning on January 1 2012. The 2012 assessment represents an increase of $60.00 per quarter or $20.00 per month. A summary of the 2012 … [Read more...]