Garden Club: February 2018 News

Nadine Allen, our club Vice President, opened our first meeting for 2018 with two announcements, one very joyous and one very sad. Nadine announced that our President, Gunjan, would miss the meeting because she went to San Francisco to be with her daughter, who gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. On the sadder side, Nadine asked for a moment of silence in memory of two of our long time members, Barbara Milner and Jack Wilcox, who recently passed away.
Our members always enjoy a pleasant feeling at the beginning of the meeting when partaking in the hardy refreshments provided by our hospitality committee of Carmen Murphy, Grace Glatt and JoAnne Webb. Nadine thanked the hospitality members to the loud applause from all of us.
Following a financial report by a famous volunteer, Nadine introduced our guest speaker for this month, Julie Bawden-Davis. Julie is a Master Gardener, author, founder and publisher of and a member of the Garden Writers Association. Her topic for this meeting was, Growing Interior Plants the Organic Way.
If you missed this meeting, you missed learning the secrets of creating a breathtaking indoor garden paradise that will impress visitors and make your home a healthier place.
Julie’s talk covered everything from feeding houseplants a gourmet organic feast to eco-friendly ways to handle pests and diseases and the importance of cultivating healthy soil.
Our next Garden Club meeting will be Monday, February 19 at our regular time of 12:00 noon, not at 9 a.m. as listed in our club directory. At this meeting we will vote on next year’s officers and also have a workshop on gardening. This could be your opportunity to discuss your own gardening secrets.
—Karl Kuhn
