Traffic & Safety Committee: Guests, Parking, & Dogs on Leash

I hope that this isn’t the proverbial quiet before the storm, but in terms of Traffic and Safety everything is going smoothly. Of course we appreciate that with warmer days approaching some old issues and some new ones are likely to pop up. In the meantime, if we can just just address some minor matters and keep some focus on our guests, we can have the most positive summer ever.
Guests: Remember to log them in and take responsibility for their actions.
Parking: There appears to be a bit of confusion about parking near or in front of fire hydrants. Some folks apparently believe that hydrants must be painted a certain color or that the nearby curb should be painted for the law to be enforceable. That is not so. The California Vehicle Code (section 22514) is clear in that you simply cannot park within fifteen feet of a fire hydrant. There is no criteria for any color or for painting of a curb. In fact some communities have opted for some very colorful fire hydrants.
Dogs on Leash: When taking our dogs out to the open community areas, they must be on a leash not exceeding six feet. Unfortunately, we don’t have a dog park inside the community and if he/she has an urge and want Fido to immediately run free, we have to use the dog-run behind the library. Recently, we have had several reports of dogs running loose among people, and unleashed dogs down at the Bluffs. Remember dogs are not always predictable, especially when they are excited in crowds. This is truly a safety issue. Consequently, our Patrol personnel and our local animal control officer will be looking for violations.
—God bless . . . Tim Murphy
