Women’s Golf: December 2015 Update

The day started out sunny and promising. Before long, clouds began gathering and a wind came up. The clouds grew darker until a few drops began falling. The last group got hit with a downpour before they got their clubs in their cars. Then it was sunny again. It was a mid-western type of Fall day. I thought I was back home again in Indiana! Also, our dear deer friends were nowhere to be seen.
The game of the day was chosen by Val Mitchell. Each player was given a cute turkey with a pine cone body and tails made of colorful paper with words such as par, bogey, one putt, two putt, over the creek. We were to pull off a feather if we accomplished it’s message. Winners would be the team with the fewest feathers left.
Winners: Team #2 (Judy Boitano, Pam Strayer, Lee Sweeney, Liz Kelsch)
With 12 left. Judy & Pam each had one , Lee & Liz had the rest.
Low Gross Pam Strayer . . . . . . . 40
Low Net Lee Sweeney . . . . . . 29
Closest to the pin on #8 Liz Kelsch
Longest drive on #9 Judy Boitano
Next FunDay is Monday, Dec. 14. This is our annual Christmas celebration.
The luncheon following golf will be at the Fountains. If you want to be included in the festivities please call Joan Beyer (496-1428) or Ruthie Stahl (248-5750) to see if there is room.
The cost is $25. For golf call Judy Boitano (661-9494) or Julie Patton (491-0908).

Joke time:
An angry golfer looking at her high score said to her caddie, You must be the worst caddie in the world. That would be too much of a coincidence he answered in a quiet voice. If I’m on a golf course and lightning strikes nearby, I get inside fast. If God wants to play through, let Him.
—Liz Kelsch, 661-5802
