Website: August 2015 Update

As I write this article, the month of July is quickly coming to an end, and our community is in full summer mode swing, we have celebrated together with a sold out In and Out Burger Night, a safe and fun 4th of July celebration and again at our Food Truck Night on July 25. I hope you have taken advantage of all of these fun events and kept up to date on times, ticket sales and other important info, by checking out our website, Details on this month’s wonderful concert, Saturday, August 22 will be available on line very soon.
Our website, will also give you the latest community information and any other pool, tennis court or gate repairs or office closures.
If you have checked out the website recently, you have read some of your neighbor’s comments about what an incredible job our maintenance and security staff has been doing during these busy summer months. It is certainly nice to know that people are willing to take the time to express their appreciation to those many individuals who work hard to make our community such a great place to live.
As you peruse this month’s issue of the Seashore News, you will read a message from our editor, Karl Kuhn asking for any interested residents to step up and consider joining our Communications Committee. So many residents comment to us about how much they enjoy reading the SSN, however, due to retirements, relocations and other life changes we are in real need of new members to help us continue to publish this wonderful newsletter on a monthly basis.
Please consider joining us!! (
—Patti Staudenbaur
