Garden Club: Beach Bluff BBQ Recap & Photo Album

The Garden Club had its year-end luncheon party at the beautiful Beach Bluff. It was a potluck lunch with many members providing great salads and a big table full of exotic desserts. Our thanks to Linda and Jerry Koppang, Chris Daley, Karla Sanders, and Marilou Heckman for an amazing job with setting up the tables under canopies, with sea shells and corals, and organizing all the food between several tables, and for the fresh flowers provided by the Koppangs. Fresh burgers were prepared by Bob and Georgie Borland along with Blair McDonald. Both beef and veggie burgers were delicious! Wine and soft drinks were plentiful and helped wash the delicious food down.

Thanks to Carmen and Tim Murphy and Marilou Heckman for cleaning up the mess after the party.
And finally, we invited an urologist friend for a fivecourse dinner, starting with a wholesome salad. Guess what he removed from the salad: Kidney beans!
—Laks Sehgal

