Men’s Club – January 2015 Update

The Men’s Club was treated to their traditional Holiday Musicale by the Dana Hills High Choir, led by longtime Choir Master Ray Woods.
Following a number of songs, both stirring and rousing, the Choir received a standing ovation, with exuberant applause. In attendance, joining a large turnout of members, were members’ spouses and their significant others.
Without a doubt, being entertained by the DHHS Choir is one of the Men’s Club’s annual highlights! Members were very saddened to learn of James Woodward’s passing.
Woody’s dry wit, his feigned grouchiness, not to mention his expertise as a longtime Chief Cook for the Club will be missed by all.
At the December 16th meeting, the members were perked up by a presentation by Dr. Cynthia Bocarra. Dr. Bocarra has worked with a variety of competitive sports teams, including participants in the Olympic Games.
Dr. Bocarra, CEO of Wellness for Life, talked about the importance of good health, through proper diet and just plain “standing up tall.” Proper posture (military style) promotes good health, both physical and mental.
Members had a chance to practice standing erect, with their “booty” extended, walking and sitting the proper way…sluggards were nowhere to be seen during these exercises.
And in closing, may you be blessed with a happy, healthy New Year!
“A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out.” —George Bernard Shaw
—Morry Meadow
