Women’s Golf – December Update

On a somewhat cooler Fall day, our theme, arranged by Val Mitchell and Pam Strayer, was Thanksgiving. We golfers are especially thankful to still be golfing in our “golden” years. Still joining us for meetings, luncheons and jobs are Chris Beaver, Ceacy Johns, Joan Beyer, and Ruthie Stahl until they pick up their sticks once more?

For the game of the day, we were each given a turkey with a pine cone body and paper feathers with golf terms such a par, birdie chip in, etc. We were to pull a feather each time we accomplished one of these skills. The team with the most feathers pulled would be the eventual winner.

The results:    Team I (Val Mitchell, Pam Strayer, Linda Ross) 13, Team III (Marlene Lynch, Terri Matrisch, Lee Sweeney 13. Other wins: Closest to the pin on #6 – Helena Keeshen. Longest drive on #9 – Val Mitchell. Low putts – Pam Strayer. Low gross – Pam Strayer. Low net – Marlene Lynch.

Next Fun day is December 8. Golf captains are Teri Matrisch (493-9985) and Brenda Tuckley. (249-6912)

Please contact one of them if you are not signed up or need to cancel.

After golf, our Christmas luncheon will be at the Fountains, sponsored by Fran King, our friend who just celebrated year 100! Thanks Fran.

Our board will continue as is for 2015. President – Irene McDonald.  Vice President  – Marlene Lynch. Treasurer – Lee Sweeney. Social Secretaries –  Joan Beyer & Ruthie Stahl.        Hospitality – Chris Beaver. Recording Secretary – Brenda Tuckley. Seashore News – Liz Kelsch.

Chuckle of the day:  Since bad shots seem to come in groups of three, a fourth bad shot is actually the beginning of the next group of three!                                                                                             

– Liz Kelsch
