Garden Club – Year End BBQ

The Garden Club ended another eventful year with an outdoor barbecue lunch at the Bluff on Monday, June 16. I speak for all members when I thank Linda and Jerry Koppang along with Gunjan Anand for putting together such a great spread. All the members participated by bringing their own signature dishes for the event. There was plenty to eat and drink.

To go with all the homemade salads and desserts, the Barbecue team of Bob, Al and Tom, provided everyone with what we call in the old country, veg and nonveg burgers! Each burger customized to the individual’s liking!

Since man cannot live by just partying, here are some gardening tips:

Don’t plant for today, but for three years from now. If your garden looks perfect today, it will look crowded three years from now.

Use boiling water from a tea kettle or vinegar from a spray bottle to kill weeds.

When planting, press the soil down firmly around the rootball. Big air pockets are deadly.

Spend 80 per cent of your gardening budget on the soil and the rest on the plants.

Since you will not be getting any more tips until September, enjoy basking in the sun (with sunscreen) or in the shade in our idyllic environment, but keep an eye out for weeds and spent flowers and be ever ready to provide additional water when needed.


Finally, since we had lots of different salads at the Bluff party, the question is: What is a honeymoon salad? Lettuce alone with no dressing! Have a great summer.


—Lakshman Sehgal

