Traffic & Safety Committee – Coyotes, Vehicle Code, Electric Scooters

Coyote Warning: We have had several new reports that a coyote is back in our community. Apparently, he is roaming the neighborhood just east of the ClubHouse at about an hour or so before sunset. Based on the reports, he might well be the younger of the two most often seen last year. If that is the case, he/she deviates from the normal nocturnal hunting hours of the species by starting early and continuing until well after dawn. Consequently, the owners of smaller pets would do well to accompany their pet into the yard before dawn or after sunset. To further discourage him, don’t leave easy pickings in the form pet food out overnight.

Electric Go-Karts: Karting is becoming more and more popular with adults as well as children. Facilities to drive and race these quick responding and fun to drive vehicles are popping up all over Southern California. I googled “Electric Go-Karts” and found quite a few sites offering a wide variety of these low slung vehicles at good prices. Apparently, during the past few months a few people living in our community received them as gifts and, as a result some pre- and earlyteens have been zipping through several neighborhoods on sidewalks as well as on the streets. Several folks have reported that, while driving their cars, they have had close calls when they suddenly saw these hard to see little karts in front of them or sharing the roadway alongside them. I have seen photographs of this activity and agree with the complainants that this activity could well result in a serious injury collision.

Vehicle Code: Because of the frequency of the activity I thought that perhaps the vehicle code had changed to somehow allow this. I contacted the California Highway Patrol Headquarters and asked Officer Sing to research the issue for me. He did so, and we learned that the operation of these devices on streets and sidewalks is still unlawful. The only places they may legally be driven is on private property or a facility designed for that purpose. To parallel this, our Niguel Shores Rules and Regulations prohibit this activity.

Electric Scooters: Along this same line, we have reports of near collisions with electric scooters. Our Rules and Regulations prohibit operating these devices on the roadway, sidewalk or common area. I suggest that should we know of a family whose child is operating either an electric go-kart or electric scooter on the roadway, that we caution them about the danger and law, so they can take corrective action. Should we feel uncomfortable speaking with them and still want to do the right thing, contact the office, and appropriate counseling will be done.

Committee Vacancy: We presently have an opening for a Traffic and Safety Committee member. Of course we want a person that meets the requirements of section 1202 of our Rules and Regulations, and one that can best serve our community. Should you be interested please complete the application that is on line, or contact the office. God Bless.

—Tim Murphy
