Website – Info for All the Community

Once again, the Communications Committee is encouraging you to check out our community web page.

When you do you will find lots of interesting and up to date information about our very special community. All of the latest NSCA Board agendas and actions are available, so please check out,

We also encourage you to use the Website to call in your guests; simply to go to, click the Gate login tab, then hit Dwelling Live, click on Community Solutions, next go to upper right corner, Login tab, enter your email and your password and you are ready to add your guests.

Need to place a Homeowner Request for a specific issue, the resident request forms, calendars with meeting and special activity dates are there for you to view.

Perhaps you are considering volunteering and becoming more involved in our community; the Website has information on the Recreation Committee and their request for some additional volunteers to keep the party going!! Once again, we encourage you to check us out at

—Patti Staudenbaur
