New Website Feature – MarketPlace

The Communication Committee is adding a new feature tab to the Niguel Shores Website ( which will be called MarketPlace. What will be of special interest to residents is that all paid Seashore News Neighborhood Ads, currently $5 a month, will now be uploaded to the MarketPlace link at no additional cost. Your ad will now be viewed in both the Seashore News and on the Website. You may also add a picture of the item you are advertising to the Website. Pictures are for the Website only, not the Seashore News. Please contact Matt Northrop in the Niguel Shores office for more information on how to submit your ad.

The Committee will also be contacting the commercial businesses that are advertising in the Seashore News and offering this same MarketPlace link to the Website for a three-month free trial period. We are asking our business advertisers to provide comments and suggestions on what the Committee hopes is a successful trial run and eventually a successful new addition to the Website.

Thanks again for your continued support of the Website. We always welcome your suggestions and comments.

—Matt Northrop, Patti Staudenbaur and Ellen Dovey