Men’s Club – August Update

The Niguel Shores Men’s Club meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month for a healthy breakfast (usually pancakes and sausages) and features a speaker with topical subjects of interest to the membership. We welcome new members from the Niguel Shores community and the offer of a free breakfast for first timers; afterwards, there is a charge of $3.

July is always a busy month for the Men’s Club as we hold our traditional 4th of July Pancake Breakfast. This year we had 527 paid attendees, resulting in a net profit of $843 which goes into our Scholarship Fund for the annual awards to three deserving Dana Hills High School students.

Breakfast on July 17 featured Dr. Jay Cohen MD, Executive Chairman of the Board of Monarch Health Care. His topic was Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) “The Future of Health Care.” Dr. Cohen explained that ACOs are a small part of the Affordable Health Care Act and that this particular section was co-sponsored by both parties. ACOs work with Medicare authorized providers (like Monarch Health) to manage and coordinate care for Medicare fee for service beneficiaries. The basic idea is to improve cost effective care and ensure that patients, especially the chronically ill, get the right care at the right time. Another goal is to reduce hospital re-admissions after an illness or surgery by assisting patients after leaving the hospital.

—Al Thome

