Coastal Commission July 12, 2012 Meeting – Update

NSCA Board President Pat O’Brien, GM Deborah Baker, and  several Breakers Isle residents attended the Coastal Commission meeting held Thursday July 12th in Chula Vista.  Statements were made in support of the Orange County Parks application for the refurbishment of the revetment, but as expected the Coastal Commission denied the application.  The Coastal Commission asked for an alternative plan that will not take away from the public beach area and will provide a public walkway along the revetment.  The next step will be for the Board, Breakers Isle residents, Management and the Orange County Parks staff to meet and work on a new plan to submit to the Coastal Commission.  It is very important for the Board to continue to push the County to repair the revetment for the protection of the beach slope and the safety of the community.   We will continue to update the website with any information.


Deborah Baker, NSCA General Manager
