Women’s Club Update – July 2012

The Women’s Club members attended a delightful June tea at which hats, pretty tea cups, delicate sandwiches and dessert cookies were thoroughly enjoyed by all. See accompanying photo of two of our members decked out in fabulous hats for the occasion.

New officers were installed:

President—Lyn Long and Vice-President—Nancy Tinnes. Treasurer Barbara Milner was absent and, Acting Secretary, Karla Sanders, was acknowledged.

Our next meeting will not be until September but, in the meantime, the Member Directory is being assembled and, if you have not already paid your dues, please do so now before July 20 so you can be sure to be in the directory. Photos are needed, too, so, if you would like one different from that in the current Directory, do send a new one to mccrowl33@yahoo.com (or drop a photo by the office to be scanned and forwarded). Please take your check for the $10 dues to the office.

A reminder: The Women’s Club Home Tour is coming up in the spring and is often limited to members. If you plan to attend, join now and reap the benefit of all the wonderful luncheons and speakers between September and May.

Another reminder: On July 4th Women’s Club volunteers will be selling a set menu of hot dog, chips and a drink for $3 in the ClubHouse from 11:30 to 1:00 p.m. Stop by and send your friends and relatives.

—Mary Crowl
