Maintenance – December 2011

If you heard a little noise and saw a little dust in the neighborhood, it was probably a sidewalk grinding machine. California Grinders Inc. spent a week here grinding down possible sidewalk trip hazards at over one hundred locations. In addition to grinding, Glenn Harker Cement Company replaced sidewalk in twelve locations with new cement. The work goes on. While some one hundred and twenty locations have been fixed, there are still a few places identified by home owner requests and Maintenance Committee members that will be repaired. It would be cost prohibitive to fix all sidewalk cracks and chips, but it is our intention to repair anything that could be considered a serious trip hazard. We want our sidewalks to be safe.

Swimmers will appreciate that Maintenance has completed the annual pool maintenance cycle. The pool was closed for a few days and about 50 percent of the old “tired” water was drained and replaced with fresh water. Some of the pool mastic was removed and replaced. One of the four pool filter pumps was replaced. Two other pumps were rebuilt with new seals to prevent leakage. Chemicals were manually added to stabilize their balance and allow the automatic feeders to maintain balance. A section of the deck was repaired with epoxy cement, the deck was washed, and the lounge chairs were cleaned of oily build up. The pool is fresh, clean, and healthy. The sidewalks are safe. So, no excuse, get out.



